the Wellspring

replenishing support for parents

Stop Googling when you're losing your mind!

You've probably landed here because you're in a deep dive of the interwebs to find an answer to the incredibly frustrating thing your little is or is't doing.

The Wellspring membership is the ongoing support that gives to you. So you can give to your child.




Membership Enrollment is Opening Soon!

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 When you don't know, you google it, right?

It's better than having to ask your mom or your mother in-law. You can avoid the judgment when you don't like their answer or want do it differently.

Asking a friend is ok, but you don't always agree with them or like what they're doing. 

So you go online. Now instead of having no answers, you have way too many.  All the advice is contradictory and judgey claiming to be The. Only. Right. Way! Any other way will cause serious and long lasting mental health issues for your child.

What a bunch of BS!

There isn't one right way to do anything. Parenting included. The trick is finding your right way. There is a right for your family and your child and there is what is right for someone else.

How do you know what's right for you? You've never done this before! 

You're suppose to do all this research while taking care of your kid, keeping your house from being a pit, do your job well, and find time to interact with you significant other. So after everyone else is asleep your reading or listening, in your bed in the dark, hoping no one wakes up. Getting parenting right is super important to you. Which is why you will sacrifice your sleep and your sanity.

So you read books and blogs, listen to podcasts, and visit parenting groups all in hopes of finding a solution. What you end up finding are ideas that kinda, sorta, sound like your situation. That mostly make sense to you and sounds better than anything else you've found so far. Nothing feels exactly right, but you try it any way! It's all you've got!

But you're still losing your sh*t when your kid is not putting on their pjs after 20 minutes of negotiation.

What if you had....

  • More time to sleep, relax and connect because you're not endless searching for answers.
  • Solutions specific to you and your child.
  • Clarity on what to do and when to do it.
  • Connections to other parents who shared your values and parenting goals.
  •  A trusted resource to go to when life changes as your child grows.

What's included in your membership

Weekly Live Q&A Calls
Workshop Replays
Weekly Boosts
Special Discounts 

Can't I just take a class?

Classes and workshops are amazing and an important part of your parenting journey. I teach them and recommend you take some.

Classes are limited because of how you learn. 

Let's say you take a potty training class when your child is a toddler. It's super helpful and you learn a ton about how to help your child potty train. 

Now it's a year later and you need to get your child though the night without a diaper. Yes, it was covered in the class. You even recall a few vague details. But you don't know if there was more to it or if it's right for you.

You've left having to spend time researching again. 

This is why I created the membership for you. You need access to answers in real time at the moment the issue comes up.  

Please take advantage of me!

Decades of experience for you to utilize for your benefit.

I'm Patience Elizabeth 

Nothing is more difficult to hear than, "I wish I would have talked to you sooner!"

I've spent the last 20 years supporting 1000's of families and leading my 4 children into young adulthood.

I pull from many fields of science and psychology to bring you a complete and balanced understanding of childhood and parenting. 

education & training

  • Masters degree in educational psychology
  • Bachelors degree in developmental pyschology
  • Miracle minded coaching certification with Marianne Williamson.
  • Interpersonal Neurobiology Training with Daniel Siegel 

What Parents are saying...

Tonja W.


"Patience is a gem and a blessing to new and growing families"

Bethany G.


"I use the tools I learned from Patience on a daily basis."

Joy L.


"Patience was SO helpful."

Live Q&A Calls

Live Coaching

Every week I'm live coaching you on the most pressing situation you are working on. You get real time answers to your real time struggles. 

Workshops & Replays

Immediate and ongoing access to all on demand workshops as long as you're a member. Attend all the live workshops. You get to come live to the 4 live workshops I do each year. 
90 Day Access- Co-Parenting Magic

$49.00 USD
90 Day Access- Mealtime Magic

$49.00 USD
90 Day Access- Birth of a Sibling

$49.00 USD

Live Workshops coming in 2024

  • Routines as Rituals
  • EFT (tapping) for Parenting
  • Working with your child's schools


A Social Media Style community without the social media

A place for you to really connect and communicate with the other members. Share your own finds and successes.  Ask other parents for new ideas and support. I'll also be there sharing and supporting.


Short Audio Messages

I'll send you a weekly snippet of parenting inspiration. It may be fun or serious depending on what's being called to be shared.



Special Discounts

As a member you get 15% off coaching and any products not included in your membership.

Frequently Asked Questions