Behavior Support

You just want your child to do what you ask!

If a child misbehaves and all you see the bad behavior, you can only punish. But, if a child misbehaves and you see the reason behind the behavior, now you can teach and influence.

Beyond Reward and Punishment

You want your child to act the right way. But you're looking for more than a one time fix. You want your child to want to do it right.

Your getting sick of hearing yourself saying No all day long. The way your parents disciplined you isn't working. And there's a part of you that feels pretty icky doing it that way.

Communication is Key

Yes it's a cliché but good communication is important in every relationship. Especially the one with your child.

Almost every battle with your child is based in miscommunication. 

Children understand and communicate in a different way than you do. You can change everything with your child by using having the tools to talk in the way your child understands.



More Than Theory

You've read the books and the blogs. You have all the ideas of Positive parenting. But what do you do when your child is running away from you at the park or won't go up the stairs at bedtime?

Get the tools you can start using right now to change the interactions with your child from conflict to collaborative.

Support Options

3 Ways to Become More Effective in getting the behaviors you want.


group and community support


Discipline with Yes™

8-week Immersive Workshop


One-On-One Support

Individualized Support Plans 


Influence is created within Relationship

We listen to the people who we admire. We admire people who care about us. Caring is not about being nice, it's about showing up and providing for. When your child is struggling is it their needs, your needs or the needs of others that's your priority.


Discipline with Yes™

Are you ready to  commit to changing your relationship with your child?

This 8 week online immersive workshop will change who you are as a parent and create peace in your relationship with your child. 



WELLSPRING: Replenishing support for parents

Every leader and every parent is more effective when they have their support team to lean on. 

In the modern day we find our support in experts and other like minded parents. 

Wellspring Membership brings your support team together. 

Get expert advice as well as connect with parents who are also parenting as leaders. 

Learn More

One-on-One Support

Individualized Plans

When you have specific questions or a priority issue you need support with right away one-on-one support can be the perfect option.  

See Appointment and Package Options

FREE Introductory Call

Wondering about the best way to move forward?  An Introductory Call gives us a chance to chat about your situation. You’ll tell me about your situation, and I’ll tell you the main opportunities I see for improvement and which options for support will best help you achieve your goals. You can ask me about anything, from my philosophy and approach to anything else you want to know!


50% Complete

Two Step

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