Baby Sleep Consultant Support
Sleep is a neurological system. NOT a Behavior
What if everything you've heard about child and infant sleep was wrong? Would you and your child sleep better? Let's see!
Every parent needs to know
10 Baby Sleep Tips
Let me send you my top tips to get and keep your child's sleep on track.
Does this sound familiar?
- Is my baby's sleep normal?
- Is it safe to sleep with my baby?
- How do I help my baby wake less often?
- How long should my baby be sleeping at night?
- How do I transition my baby out of my bed?
- How can I get my baby napping better?
- How do I night wean?
- I don't want to cry it out, Is there another way?
Sleep Support Coaching, Classes & Online Group Membership
Three paths to better sleep

in person
Sleep Group
Get your questions answered while connecting with other parents. Weekly groups held in Denver Colorado.

One-on-One Support
Individualized Sleep Plans
Get the exact information and steps you need to get your child and your family sleeping in the way that works and feels right for you.
You can read the books, and the blogs. You take take advice from other parents. Or you can get a plan that is customized to your specific situation and desires.

Understand Sleep
There's more to sleep than sleep training.
Get an understanding of the normal changes that happen to the sleep system over the first 2 years of life. Knowing how to recognize and adjust for the normal changes you can avoid sleep ever becoming a major problem.
Sleep is Developmental
Biologically and developmentally infants and toddlers are designed to sleep differently from adults. The nervous system is immature, causing infants to spend a great deal of time in light sleep. The biological sleep system doesn't fully development until sometime between 18 and 24 months. All this, combined with an infants need for large amounts of food, can cause infants to sleep in a way that exhausts the parents.

Sleep is Cultural
Fortunately, sleep is also cultural. This means it can be shaped and adjusted. Across time and history, parents and infants have slept, and slept well, in many different ways. The main trick for any new family is finding the sleeping situation that works best for them.
Once you get your baby home, what works may be different from what you imagined would work. You also may find that what has worked for you in the past isn’t working anymore. Many new parents are caught between what feels right and less-intuitive advice and mixed messages found on the internet and social media.
The Sleep Experience
The most important thing about sleep is whether everyone in your family is happy with the sleep they are getting. The details of sleep are only important to how they affect your experience of sleep.
I work with families who find themselves in a sleep situation that is no longer working for them.
My goal is to reinsert the intuitive wisdom you would have received being surrounded by children when we still lived in small communities of extended families. It was through the experience of being around many mothers and babies that we learned what was normal and how to support an infant through the normal stages of sleep development.

Custom Sleep Plans for Infants, Toddlers and Bigger Kids
You can read the books, and the blogs. You can take advice from other parents. Or you can get a plan that is customized to your specific situation and desires.
Get the exact information and steps you need to get your child and your family sleeping in the way that works and feels right for you.